Contemporary figurative artist Kathrin Longhurst was born in communist East Germany. A classically trained figurative painter, Kathrin Longhurst began attending life drawing classes at the age of fourteen. When Kathrin was just fifteen, her family escaped from ‘behind the iron curtain’, relocating to Sweden. This jarring transition from a totalitarian regime to a democracy sparked […]



Mixed media on linen panels, framed black with art glass.

48×58 cm

Words can’t bring me down

Mixed media on linen panels, framed black with art glass.

48×58 cm

That’s my girl

Mixed media on linen panels, framed black with art glass.

48×58 cm

Smile more

Mixed media on linen panels, framed black with art glass.

48×58 cm

Run like a girl

Mixed media on linen panels, framed black with art glass.

48×58 cm

None of your business

Mixed media on linen panels, framed black with art glass.

48×58 cm


Mixed media on linen panels, framed black with art glass.

48×58 cm

Born this way

Mixed media on linen panels, framed black with art glass.

48×58 cm

Act so crazy

Mixed media on linen panels, framed black with art glass.

48×57 cm

About Time

Mixed media on linen panels, framed black with art glass.

48×58 cm

Mirror Mirror 1

Oil on Linen

121×121 cm

Mirror Mirror 2

Oil on Linen

121×121 cm


Oil on Linen

182×182 cm

Through the looking Glass

Oil on Linen

182×182 cm

The Light She Brings

Oil on Linen

91×91 cm

Ocean of Storms

Oil on Linen

91×91 cm

Light That Match

Oil on Linen

91×91 cm

Knock Em Out

Oil on Linen

91×91 cm

You Started It

Oil on Linen

91×91 cm


Oil on linen

91×91 cm

Your mind is a broken mirror

Oil on linen

182×182 cm

Hear my word

Oil on Linen

154×102 cm

Hear my voice

Oil on Linen

154×102 cm

Standing by the wall

Oil and Mixed Media on Linen

182×182 cm

Oh we can beat them

Oil and Mixed Media on Linen

182×182 cm

You will be queen

Oil and Mixed Media on Linen

121×121 cm

Cause we’re lovers

Oil and Mixed Media on Linen

121×121 cm

We Could Steal Time

Oil and Mixed Media on Linen

91×121 cm

I can remember

Oil and Mixed Media on Linen

91×121 cm

Nothing will drive them away

Oil and Mixed Media on Linen

91×121 cm

I will be king

Oil and Mixed Media on Linen

91×121 cm

Nothing will keep us together

Oil and Mixed Media on Linen

91×121 cm

Just for one day

Oil and Mixed Media on Linen

91×121 cm


Oil on linen

182×182 cm

She was Powerful

Oil on linen

182×182 cm

Body and Mind

Oil on linen

91×121 cm


Contemporary figurative artist Kathrin Longhurst was born in communist East Germany. A classically trained figurative painter, Kathrin Longhurst began attending life drawing classes at the age of fourteen. When Kathrin was just fifteen, her family escaped from ‘behind the iron curtain’, relocating to Sweden. This jarring transition from a totalitarian regime to a democracy sparked Kathrin’s passion for exploring the concepts of freedom of speech and expression, concepts that continue to thread through her work today.

Extensive travel provided Kathrin Longhurst with a unique perspective on the role of women in the media, her more recent works referencing not only communist propaganda but also the power of advertising in our lives under a capitalist system. Kathrin Longhurst’s skilfully rendered subjects layer themes of sexuality and freedom, both seducing and challenging the viewer with their ruby lips, luminous bare skin and confronting gaze to illustrate her message that:

‘Propaganda is all around us. It’s not specific to a period of time, a country or a regime…it’s everywhere’ – Kathrin Longhurst.

A well-respected member of the Sydney arts community, Kathrin Longhurst served as vice president for Portrait Artists Australia for some years and is currently founder and director of the innovative Project 504, an art space that fosters collaboration between emerging and established Australian artists. She completed her tenth solo show in 2014 and has been a finalist in numerous awards including the prestigious 2012 Sulman Prize, the Mosman Art Prize, the Portia Geach Award, the Shirley Hannan National Portrait Prize, the Korea Australia Arts Foundation Prize and the WA Black Swan Prize. Kathrin Longhurst’s work is collected widely in Australia and internationally.



The Darling Prize 2020

Archibald Prize 2018, 2021, 2022 (winner Packing Room Prize 2021)

Doug Moran Portrait Prize 2017

Sir John Sulman Prize 2012

Percival Portrait Painting Prize 2016

Portia Geach Memorial Prize 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2020, 2021, 2022 (winner People’s Choice Prize 2017), 2018, 2019, 2020

Black Swan Prize 2008, 2009

Mosman Art Prize 2009, 2012, 2016

Shirley Hannan National Portrait Award 2008

Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize 2018

KAAF Art Prize 2013, 2017

Willoughby Art Prize 2003

Northern Beaches Art Prize 2020 (winner open category 2020)



18+ major sell out solo exhibition nationally and internationally


2022 “We can be Heroes” Gallery One, Gold Coast

2021 “Fighting Spirit” Gallery One, Gold Coast

2019 “Fighters and Dreamers” Gallery One, Gold Coast

2018 “Ode to Femme” Gallery One, Gold Coast



34+ major group exhibitions nationally and internationally


2021 Woman – Painting all over the World”, European Museum of Contemporary Art (MEAM), Barcelona Spain

2020 “WOMAN”, James Baird Gallery, Canada

2020 “Creator & Muse”, online through 33 Contemporary, Chicago

2019 “Pintando Hoy – Painting Today”, European Museum of Modern Art (MEAM), Barcelona

2019 “Mondo Tondo”, Arcadia Gallery, Los Angeles

2019 Beautiful Bizarre Prize Exhibition, Modern Eden Gallery, San Francisco

2018 “About Peace” Maitland Regional Gallery, Hunter Valley

2018 “Animation Reimagined” Modern Eden Gallery, San Francisco

2017 “International Artist Grand Prix”, Get Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan



Kathrin’s work is included in corporate, public and private collections in Australia and internationally.

Kathrin’s work is part of the Bennett Collection of Female Figurative


No upcoming exhibitions for Kathrin Longhurst