“What a fabulous night last Saturday! It was a great function and I really enjoyed the evening and the insight into David and his life’s work. Never had any idea of all the amazing artworks and sculptures that he has made, and what a character!” – Gallery One VIP client.

A big thank you for a wonderful evening with David Bromley, it was truely a terrific event. What a way to show his huge body of work and introduce his amazing character. Another stand out was meeting the indomitable Yuge!” – Gallery One VIP client.

This weekend we were thrilled to present the Gold Coast Premiere of the truly brilliant ‘Bromley: Light After Dark’ which is directed by Sean McDonald starring David and Yuge Bromley, along with their gorgeous family in their beautiful world!

Our valued clients enjoyed new paintings and bronze sculptures, a wonderful open air cinema experience at Chateau Nesbit with tasty food by In Season Catering GC.

The film is due to be released in cinemas November 16th and it is well worth a watch!

View David’s digital catalogue here.

Artist David Bromley; Gold Coast; Exhibition and Film Screening;