Born and raised in the picturesque Lake District of Northern England, Lisa enjoyed the cultural influence of both English and Italian heritage. Lisa’s path as an artist can be traced back to her early childhood and the influence of my late Mother, who always encouraged Lisa to explore her creativity through painting and drawing as […]


Blue Palms

Acrylic on Canvas

200×200 cm

Lunch at Amoudi I & II

Acrylic on Canvas

304×220 cm

Daintree Dream

Acrylic on Canvas with gold leafing

110×152 cm

All Saints Garden II

Acrylic on Canvas

110×120 cm

White clams

Acrylic on Canvas

122×122 cm

Walk to Whitehaven

Acrylic on Canvas

122×90 cm


Born and raised in the picturesque Lake District of Northern England, Lisa enjoyed the cultural influence of both English and Italian heritage. Lisa’s path as an artist can be traced back to her early childhood and the influence of my late Mother, who always encouraged Lisa to explore her creativity through painting and drawing as a child, and to further her passion with her education into art and design school. Lisa obtained her artist training at Lancaster Collage and Cumbria College of Art and Design before moving to Australia in 2004.  


Lisa’s has an inquisitive interest for art and design, travel and culture. Drawing inspiration for her work from her surrounding, whether that is snorkelling at the beach, walking in the forest or discovering a new city. The beauty in the shapes and forms of the nature landscape and through architectural urban design inspire her. Lisa’s art is a continuing journey and evolution of her experiences and travel memories. 


‘I’m am truly my most authentic self when I’m in my studio, transported through my memories and imagination into my own world of creatively’.  


Lisa’s works with a variety of mediums, from acrylic, ink, impasto, pen and pencil.



May 2022 – Gallery One feature artist National Breast Cancer Fundraising Event ‘Circle of Giving’


Lisa Perruzza artworks have been acquired by multiple national and international collections including acquisition from Europe,

Asia and the USA.



No upcoming exhibitions for Lisa Perruzza